The Gibson City church of Christ is comprised of people who claim to be nothing more than followers of Jesus Christ. We are an independent congregation of believers who have no ecclesiastical ties to any other denomination or group. In our worship, we offer God our praise, adoration, and thanksgiving according to what we read and understand from our New Testament. In our lives, we try to live so that others will see the love and beauty of Christ in us.


Come and worship with us
Contact Us
Weekly Bulletin Articles
Pearls from Proverbs
Psalm for Meditation
Bible Courses
Bible Study Resources
Lessons on Prayer
The Truth of Christianity


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                  1104 S. Sangamon Avenue,  P.O. Box 255

                                    Gibson City IL 60936

We invite all who believe Jesus is Lord and who seek to worship God according to His word to join with us. Nothing will be done to embarrass you. You will be an honored guest in our company.

Schedule of assemblies:

  • Sunday, 9 AM (Bible studies, singing, prayer, the Lord’s Supper, Bible readings, preaching)
  • Wednesday, 7:00 PM (Bible study)
  • Sunday, 8 AM: “The Way of Truth,” WGCY, 106.3 FM
  • Join us as we worship God


Pearls from Proverbs (Take an in depth look at the wisdom literature by reading the selected passage from the book of Proverbs every day of the week and reflecting on the question provided. This book focuses on wisdom and knowledge, family, happiness, foolishness, and evil desires. You will notice that some of these passages contain descriptions, while others make use of parallel statements or instructions.)

Proverbs 29: 25 - 27  Why is there such mutual antagonism/abhorrence between the good and the evil?


Psalm for Meditation (Join us in reading a passage from Psalms every day and meditate on the question provided. Your appreciation for the Psalms will increase each day as you grow in your walk with the Lord.)

Visit Page

On this Web site you will find:

  • information about the location of our church building and our times of assembly
  • short articles meant to direct you to the truth and encouragement found in the Bible
  • links to Bible study aids, such as different versions of the Bible, concordances, Bible encyclopedias, etc.
  • Scriptures that tell sinners what they must do to be saved
  • a page for feedback, where you can contact us with your questions and comments